Share-Net in Jordan
During the second quarter of 2021, the hub set up a new Community of Practice (CoP) to perform a study and policy brief on the effect of gender on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights (SRH & RR) in the Jerash Governorate. Another CoP was set up to conduct a study and a policy brief on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the use of family planning methods. Furthermore, Share-Net Jordan (SN-JO) hired an Intern who is working at the hub and an intern from University College Utrecht (UCU), the Netherlands, for one month.
Moreover, the hub has produced the following knowledge products:
- Two fact sheets on the linkages between population dynamics and gender,
- A fact sheet on the relationship between migration and gender, and
- A study to assist Share-Net Jordan to examine the role and added value/unique selling point of expanding Share-Net in the region.
SN-JO is continuing to work towards strengthening existing partnerships with government agencies, CSOs, the media, academic institutions and research centres. The secretariat will focus specifically on engaging more youth through universities and youth organizations, and stakeholders working on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment (GEWE). SN-JO formed two committees from different universities in Jordan.
Share-Net Jordan conducted a pre- and post-assessment for the four Medical Centres of Excellence in the country (Sweileh, Tafileh, Zarqa, and Ajloun). The assessments will measure the level of adhering to the National Standards for Youth-Friendly SRH Services and assess building accessibility for people with disabilities and provide recommendations. In addition, Share-Net Jordan conducted pre and post assessment funded by UNFPA for another center in east Amman.
The Share-Net Jordan team had a meeting with Policy Advisor Mrs. Rawan Da’as, Development Cooperation Human Rights and Gender from the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, in Amman. The meeting dealt with a presentation on Share-Net’s achievements for the year 2020 and Share-Net’s plan for 2021. Additionally, the aspects of potential cooperation and coordination between Share-Net Jordan and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Amman were discussed. Also, the hub conducted a steering committee meeting where the activities for the year 2021 and the course of action on a study at the regional level were discussed. The annual meeting of the hub was organized where the Embassy of Netherlands attended.
The secretariat formed a committee to assess the applications for Share-Net International small grants from its members. One grant was awarded to a Share-Net Jordan member and the hub monitored the implementation of the small grants.
The Share-Net Jordan team participated in training workshops, together with the other country hubs of Share-Net International via Zoom, including training workshops on capacity enhancement and knowledge translation. The sessions aimed to identify and understand the application of various improvement models and tools;
- Explore different strategies that effectively enhance capabilities and skills among the country hubs of Share-Net International
- Improve understanding of rights-based perspectives and meaningful youth participation
- Improve communication skills
- Enhance participants’ ability to access knowledge
- Develop a communication plan based on the needs of members and other stakeholders.
Additionally several studies demonstrating achievements made throughout 2020 and 2021 were launched on World Population Day on 11 July 2021. These studies include several policy briefs on the impact of female students dropping out of school on women’s economic participation and sexual and reproductive health in Jordan, on enhancing private sector participation in providing sexual and reproductive health services in Jordan, on the links between climate change and sexual and reproductive health in Jordan, and the role of Accountability in sustaining SRHR programs in crisis and Fragile Situations in Jordan.
The Coordinator of Share-Net Jordan is a member of the Jordanian Sexual and Reproductive Health Sub-Sector Working Group (SRH SWG) formed by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and gave a presentation on the work of Share-Net Jordan. A member of Share-Net Jordan conducted a UNFPA Arab States Regional Office (ASRO) disability study with the objective of conducting a regional in-depth research examining sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, gender gaps and disability related data in the Arab region.
Disseminating and sharing knowledge with members and the outside world is one of the key pillars of SN-JO. SN-JO has a quarterly newsletter to inform stakeholders in the field of SRHR. The hub continues to be very active in the use of different social media channels including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and WhatsApp, and is further developing its communication strategy. Currently it has 176 individual members and 16 organizational members.
Discover more on Share-Net Jordan's website.