Share-Net in Burundi
Share-Net Burundi has established two new Communities of Practice, on the important themes of SRHR services in crises and the silence around infertility. The CoP’s started with a kick-off meetings in the third quarter of 2019. The two new Communities of Practice enable Share-Net Burundi members and other sexual and reproductive health (SRH) stakeholders to contribute to preparing for the Share-Net International Co-Creation Conference. One representative of each CoP will attend the Conference in Amsterdam.
Share-Net Burundi builds synergies among its members, partners, projects and programs, through the Communities of Practice, in quarterly thematic meetings. Share-Net Burundi now counts a total of eight Communities of Practice.
Share-Net Burundi continues to share research results, best practices, news, events and opportunities on the website, as well as via online social media channels including Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp. Social media messages were developed to raise awareness among young people on reproductive health, in text, audio and video, and disseminated through Whatsapp groups. A survey, carried out by telephone, shows that young people were satisfied with the content of the messages and that they appreciated this opportunity of information, and the exchange of points of view or individual experiences. The survey also revealed that a number of young people do not have access to the mobile phone all the time; they suggested to broadcast the messages also through radio and television.
Share-Net Burundi prepares to launch an online campaign on SRHR in November 2019, focusing on “Teenage pregnancy”. The team wants to collaborate with other online media that have a large audience to generate a debate on the topic by sharing articles, audio and video awareness spots on the sexual and reproductive health of adolescents and youth. Share-Net Burundi prepares to organize an annual SRHR knowledge fair to promote knowledge sharing and promote knowledge use in policy and practice. The central focus theme for this year will be “Access to Sexual and reproductive health for youth and adolescents”. The plan is to organize this in November 2019. Share-Net Burundi has established two new Communities of Practice, on the important themes of SRHR services in crises and the silence around infertility. The CoP’s started with kick off meetings in the third quarter of 2019. The two new Communities of Practice enable SNBDI Burundi members and other sexual and reproductive health (SRH) stakeholders to contribute to preparing for the Share-Net International Co-Creation Conference to be held from 8-10 October 2019 in Amsterdam.
Share-Net Burundi builds synergies among its members, partners, projects and programs, through the Communities of Practice, in quarterly thematic meetings. Share-Net now counts a total of eight Communities of Practice in Burundi.
Share-Net Burundi continues to share research results, best practices, news, events and opportunities on the website, as well as via online social media channels including Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp. Social media messages were developed to raise awareness among young people on reproductive health, in text, audio and video, and disseminated through Whatsapp groups. A survey, carried out by telephone, shows that young people were satisfied with the content of the messages and that they appreciated this opportunity of information, and the exchange of points of view or individual experiences. The survey also revealed that a number of young people do not have access to the mobile phone all the time; they suggested to broadcast the messages also through radio and television.
Share-Net Burundi prepares to launch an online campaign on SRHR in November 2019, focusing on “Teenage pregnancy”. The team wants to collaborate with other online media that have a large audience to generate a debate on the topic by sharing articles, audio and video awareness spots on the sexual and reproductive health of adolescents and youth. Share-Net Burundi prepares to organize an annual SRHR knowledge fair to promote knowledge sharing and promote knowledge use in policy and practice. The central focus theme for this year will be “Access to Sexual and reproductive health for youth and adolescents”. The plan is to organize this in November 2019.
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